60% of Exotic Entertainers Have a “Day Job”…

60% of Exotic Entertainers Have a “Day Job”…

Jul 05, 2022
Some exotic entertainers may like their day job, but let’s be honest… nobody wants to work two jobs if they can help it. Obviously, exotic entertainment is going to be the way to go, because you have a fat chance to actually make more money than you ever thought possible that a day job just won’t give you. 

Some exotic entertainers are putting themselves through college, or putting themselves through some type of schooling. Or, just work another day job, like being a teacher. I might ruffle some feathers here, but I think this is the wrong approach.

First, your energy is being dispersed into too many different areas. You have to have serious energy management abilities to be able to go to college, or work a day job AND be an exotic entertainer. Eventually, all of this is going to erode your health, whether physical or emotional, or BOTH.

High stress and not enough relaxation or “me time” over a long period of extended time is not worth it, and we don’t want you feeling this way.

We aren’t saying not to go to college, by the way. We are just saying, there’s an easier way to make money at exotic entertainment that will allow you to retire from the industry within 5-10 years, and WEALTHY… so that you don’t have to go to college or work a day job.

See, most exotic entertainers haven’t tapped into the actual system that allows entertainers to thrive in this industry and retire wealthy.

We want to show you the system we created that allowed us each to generate anywhere from $40,000- $50,000 a month consistently, and reliably.  

And it has nothing to do with illicit activities, or other shady practices that most entertainers fall down the rabbit hole and find themselves in. 

So, don’t panic, you can watch the free masterclass we have about how we were able to do this, and retire from the industry…

Here’s the link! Edrwebinar.com