Listening More Than Talking

Listening More Than Talking

Jul 19, 2022
It’s very important when trying to attract your ideal client that you are listening to them more than talking. This is the biggest mistake that exotic entertainers make when trying to get a man to buy a lap dance or go to the VIP room. I’ve seen so many women walk up to men and start talking and doing most of it, in a poor attempt to build rapport with them that most of the time just ends up being ineffective. And ends with your ideal client turning them down. 

It’s a vicious cycle that ends with exotic entertainers having a negative mindset towards clients. I want to make sure you avoid this, because this is detrimental to your success in exotic entertainment. 

You have to discover what their wants and needs are. You might think men are there for physical needs, but the truth is, they want to be excited. They want to be emotionally fulfilled by you. They want to feel an emotional connection, and that you actually care about him. Remember this the next time you walk up to your ideal client, because it will help you. Uncovering his true desires and his real needs is going to aid you in getting him to pay for lap dances and the VIP room. 

This is very important to remember. You want to make the experience all about the client. If you can successfully make him feel special, needed and wanted you are well on your way. Remember, he most likely isn’t getting emotional fulfillment at home, and that’s the real reason underneath why he’s at the club. He’s hoping for emotional connection with you. 

Thanks for reading!