The Crocodile Brain

The Crocodile Brain

Mar 16, 2022

When ladies transform into their Inner Entertainer, most allow themselves to ignore this very essential part. Now, I know you have heard the saying, “anyone can sell” and that statement is true. However, I am also sure you may have seen many people struggle with it. Even after studying selling techniques from the Internet, Vogue magazine, or other business books, or whatever books they might be studying. The question that must be asked is: why? 

The reason many struggle with selling is because they do not have the time to understand how people think. To be honest, most selling techniques do not teach why it is important to understand how someone thinks if you are to be able to persuade them properly with what you are selling. How does the human brain take information and process it? If you can understand this procedure, you can take your selling to a whole other level. In fact, a big lesson here, it's not even selling at this point. Now, you're just giving them the information they need so they can process it in the normal procedure that people naturally think in. 

The best part about this program is that we took a complicated psychological system and made it easy. Now you can become the ultimate exotic entertainer, you just need to know the following lesson.

That lesson is: how the brain makes decisions. There are three parts of the brain that filter information. It starts with the crocodile brain, the midbrain and lastly the neocortex. The crocodile brain is the automatic mode where fight or flight responses and impulsive decisions make things happen. This is very important because if you don’t get past the fight or flight response here, you're not going to get anywhere with any customer or client that you have, because you're not exciting them. 

You're not getting their dopamine to flow. You are not getting in the front door. They are just looking and listening but they aren't really hearing. So it's important that the first step is you get them to give you their attention and you can only get it if you get past the first step. Which is the crocodile brain. If you don’t you will not get their attention or mindset toward you. If the mindset isn't set towards you, you are not going to get anywhere because they are not going to hear what you’re saying to them. This is why most exotic entertainers end up not getting past their customer’s crocodile brain. Until you do this, you’re going to find that every night is not making you a lot of money, and you’re not going to get the customers or clients that you need for long term success. Thank you very much and have a good day.