The Midbrain

The Midbrain

Mar 18, 2022

You must get to the midbrain because that determines if the exciting new thing needs problems solving and if it does, it will be sent to the neocortex. You must get their neocortex to actively listen. However to do so, you must absolutely get the crocodile brain excited enough to send the information to the midbrain to do what it needs to do. Without the correct information and the correct thing for you to say (which will be provided for you) you can not get the crocodile brain to forward anything to the midbrain. 

Therefore, your conversation that you strike up with an individual is just absolutely not even going to get started. They are listening to you but they are not hearing you, and this creates a great big problem for you. So you have to be sure you get past the crocodile brain and get to the midbrain in order for what you're saying that you want to do can be done. And at times, you'll think it's an easy simple thing to do but without knowing exactly how to perform the Dopamine Drip, you're not going to get the cascade of hormones started to get you in the seat where you belong, in charge and in control of what's going on. 

You’ll have them naturally wanting you and to dance with you, give you money and so on because you are the exotic entertainer that they see, hear and are excited by. There is a trick to getting this done, however the good thing for you is that it's all taught for you in the Entertainment Done Right program so you can make sure your message gets from the crocodile brain to the midbrain.